
Funny Facebook Hacks For Guys

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Clever status hacks on FB

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Posts: 499 - Karma: 55

Who gives a shit on the details, but basically my brother left his up, so i wanna say something clever and i'm out of ideas. so if anyone's feeling witty tonight, lets see it

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Posts: 2851 - Karma: 35

Find some weird kid on FB (either guy or girl)preferable that he will see alot that he is not friends with Add them and PM them "I was browsing through your pics and i have to say i haven't busted that big of a load in a long time".

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Posts: 3382 - Karma: 212

I always change people's names. Takes a few days for it to pop up sometimes and when it does its gold. Its just under account settings... Have fun.

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Posts: 6787 - Karma: 87

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Posts: 4952 - Karma: 88

"I finally fit three fingers in my asshole!!!"

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Posts: 207 - Karma: 26

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Posts: 1173 - Karma: 590

send a relationship request to a really ugly girl on his account.

and fuck up all of his info.

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Posts: 939 - Karma: 67

quality thread right here.

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Posts: 1817 - Karma: 579

My sister's status read:


and once again:

"oops! I sharted again!! This white carpet will never be the same!!!"

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Posts: 7403 - Karma: 30,153

Just saw mom and dad doing it. Akward. Lol

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Posts: 2620 - Karma: 831

wqfetrhtbgtjmk,lookijhnygtrfthjklo. sorry, i just wiped the jizz off my keyboard

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Posts: 6157 - Karma: 1,558

im hornier than usual right know

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Posts: 1180 - Karma: 4

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I hope your dad wont get this pissed

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Posts: 2574 - Karma: 628

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Posts: 1882 - Karma: 477

DO THIS give us his name we will all fiend him then you add us all then we troll hard like we do

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Posts: 3633 - Karma: 1,503

make fake listing in craigslist personals as him. post under his fb asking for people to check it out and shit. make the listing realy nasty possibly including pics.

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Posts: 1889 - Karma: 1,438

Yeah dude, just change their name to "P. Nis Muncher" or something along the lines of that.

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Posts: 2049 - Karma: 1,892

"Just whacked it with sunscreen. Looks like I'm not getting burnt this summer."

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Posts: 5749 - Karma: 2,196

so much win, so little time

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Posts: 17360 - Karma: 28,299

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Posts: 6896 - Karma: 20,396

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Posts: 6896 - Karma: 20,396

I changed my friends name mikehawk is small

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Posts: 2408 - Karma: 63

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Posts: 6673 - Karma: 2,551

I'm proud as fuck to be in a fraternity hahaha and my ex is a dumbass hahah i don't love getting shit on my dick at all its gross but I've fucked some ass sorry you havent gotten the chance bruddah. You sound like you're a little jealous. hahaha

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Posts: 8136 - Karma: 24,299

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Posts: 2587 - Karma: 2,463

best one ive seen is when my buddy did nothing but change my birthday to like the next day, i didnt notice until my wall was full of happy birthdays when it was like 8 months away

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Posts: 23786 - Karma: 12,783

best things to do are to change the birthday and to change their sex to female if they are a girl. make sure you delete the post on their wall that says they updated their info

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Posts: 1903 - Karma: 146

go to the "people you may know" section and just add everybody

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Posts: 11943 - Karma: 879

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Posts: 14236 - Karma: 26,847

"so excited, i just panted fresh flowers in my front yard, i hope everyoe is happy for me" - only works if your hacking a guy

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Posts: 1891 - Karma: 47

just "like" everything, like every single post on top news and most recent and go back a few days

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Posts: 2731 - Karma: 107

poke everyone on his friends list

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Posts: 1900 - Karma: 475

Just do stuff to parody the person you're Fraping eg. say something really cocky like "great game from me today, too bad i cant say the same about my team mates", also going onto girls photos, especially OLD photos and 'liking' them , commenting them is pretty funny.

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Posts: 932 - Karma: 9

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Posts: 1667 - Karma: 57

ask out every girl. youre bound to get a couple of yess

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Posts: 6839 - Karma: 12,027

I cant wait for lee majors to die so I can change my name to lee majors without looking like an asshole

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Posts: 499 - Karma: 55

these are getting pretty good. i'm surpised he hasn't posted in here yet. his NS name is siversex

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Posts: 4392 - Karma: 698

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Posts: 2964 - Karma: 990

DONT DO ANYTHING ABOUT DICKS/BEING GAY theyre funny but not at all believable, make it something he would actally say

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Posts: 3070 - Karma: 1,471

Change his sex to female so instead of saying stuff like "His album" it will say "her album". He will never no and people will make fun of him.

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Posts: 4670 - Karma: 3,275

if they make fun of him, then he will *know.

a while i got my buddy really good. first we changed all of his likes, just simple stuff like changing his movies to the notebook and stuff. then i went to my sisters account and added like 50 of her fellow freshman girls. (hes like 19) then finally we changed his languages to squares. everything just appears in squares. it was pretty epic

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Posts: 4763 - Karma: 467

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Posts: 4763 - Karma: 467

i laughed so hard. this thread is full of win

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Posts: 1942 - Karma: 8

I love a little virgin boy!

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Posts: 1051 - Karma: 176

Changed my friend's work to "Recruiter at Hannah Montana Fan Club", and went to his music and he likes Justin Beiber and all the rest. Changed his political views to "Beiber for President". Just basically his whole info page.

It has been almost SIX months, and he hasn't noticed yet. hahaha

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Posts: 4268 - Karma: 2,877

prob said but the best is just to make it so it says hes interested in men because he wont notice right away did it my brother and he didn't notice till 6 months later when he found out from a friend

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Posts: 2254 - Karma: 1,240

so much good stuff, mythreadz

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Posts: 2134 - Karma: 377

make a super serious and somewhat longish paragraph about how he has decided to come out of the closet. Don't say anything super gay or you will give it away, just make it serious. If anyone comments something like "haha no" or "dude you got facebook hacked", reply with a long paragraph raging about how gays need equal rights and that he wants to be treated with respect.

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Posts: 484 - Karma: 213

Went on such a great hunting trip last weekend,

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Posts: 106 - Karma: 10

at first i was like... ok they shot a bear outta a tree.... coooool...

then they started fucking on the dead bear.

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Posts: 502 - Karma: 34,962

Dear facebook, today I saw gay porn on the Internet and I thought to myself, well that's... Thats kinda cool

All times are Eastern (-5)

Funny Facebook Hacks For Guys


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